Read Elaine Newman's handbook on Preventing Violence and Harassment in the Workplace. To order Click Here.
- Newman, E. Violence and Harassment in the Workplace; A Practical Guide to Ontario’s Bill 168 for Employers, Unions and Employees, Lancaster House, 2012
- Newman, E. “Labour Law Beyond Borders: ADR and the Internationalization of Labor Dispute Settlement, A Book Review”, 2006 Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2. Lancaster House, Toronto
- Newman, E. “Mediation Advocacy in Wrongful Dismissal Cases”, 2006 Ontario Bar Association, Continuing Legal Education materials, Current Issues in Employment Law, 2006
- Newman, E. “Mediating Sexual Abuse Cases: A Higher Benchmark for Best Practices” March 2004 ADR Forum no. 38, CCH Canadian Limited, Toronto
- Newman, E. “Addressing Workplace Injury in the Era of Free Trade”, delivered to International Industrial Relations Association 4th Regional Congress of the Americas, In conjunction with Canadian Industrial Relations Association, June 2002, Publication pending
- Newman, E. “Med/Arb in Grievance Resolution – The Case for Clarity”, 2000, Vol II, Labour Arbitration Yearbook, 237, Lancaster House, Toronto.
- Newman, E. "Ontario's Employment Equity Act", 1994, presented to Canadian Bar Association, October 25, 1994.
- Newman, E. “Practice Before the Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal” Department of Continuing Legal Education, The Law Society of Upper Canada, February, 1994.
- Newman, E. “Bill 162: Are you Ready?" Occupational Health and Safety Canada, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1990.
- Newman, E. Whitaker, Makinson, "The Good, The Bad and The Useless, A Preparation Guide to the Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal", Occupational Health and Safety Canada, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1989.
- Newman, E. "The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; How Will it Affect Disabled Workers?" Delivered to the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work, Montreal, October 1984.
- Newman, E. "Charter Implications for Procedures Under The Mental Health Act". Delivered to the Canadian Bar Association, Health Law Section, October 16, 1984, reprinted at Vol. 5, No. 3 Health Law in Canada, 60.
- Newman, E. "Effective Parenting of the Disabled and Institutionalized Child", 1984. Delivered to the Ontario Association for the Mentally Retarded Conference, "Synergy", April 27, 1984, Toronto.
- Newman, E. "Human Rights, The Charter of Rights and The Nursing Home Resident”, 1984. Delivered to Ontario Hospital Association Institute on Nursing Home Care, February 14, 1984, Toronto, and N.D.P. Conference on Nursing Home Care, July 1984, Queen's Park.